In family

Are you visiting the castle of Angers with kids ? Discover our visit tips and facilities for families !


Why to come ?

A walk to remember, in the heart of the city


Take a stroll on the ramparts: 500 meters of walk are waiting for you. You will enjoy the most beautiful sight on the city of Angers and its typical slate roofs !

In the gardens of the castle, discover medieval plants. Let yourself be lulled by the song of birds nesting in this shelter for wildlife !


At the Fields Gate, behind the archers or the medieval portcullis, it's up to you to defend the fortress!

Don't miss the Apocalypse tapestry, a giant medieval comic book. In this dark gallery, a 7-headed dragon has taken up residence... Will you be brave enough to go and meet the fellow?

Discover the monument

The offer for families

Self-guided tour : you're in charge !

Visit the castle at your own pace !

The game book : Discover the castle, the tapestry of the Apocalypse and the gardens with this playful paper guide with games, challenges and topics for family discussions. 
From 6 years old, available in english.
2 €, on sell at the front desk of the castle only. 

Une mère et ses deux enfants visite le chateau avec le livret jeu

Exhibitions : it's time to play !

Exhibitions are not just for grownups !

Discover the secrets of the Apocalypse tapestry with Playmobils, go back on time and meet the dukes and duchesses... The castle crew is very imaginative and set up heritage interpretation spaces and exhibitions adapted to a young audience !

See what's on !

grand métier à tisser présenté dans une des salles du parcours d'interprétation L'Apocalypse comme si vous y étiez

© Emma Fonteneau / Domaine national du château d’Angers

Activities : Learn and chat !

Have a break on your walk around the castle and come chat with us ! Medieval board games, weaving workshops, architecture challenges, musical interludes... Come as you are and stay as long as you want !

visiteur participant à un atelier de compréhension de l'architecture gothique

© Damien Perdriau / Domaine national du château d'Angers

Major events : don't miss it !

  • Monument Jeu d'Enfant : On the first weekend of the autumn french vacations, come for this yearly event dedicated to families ! 
  • Le Grand Noël : In December, don't miss our special activities, such as our Christmas market !
musicien en costume

© Emma Fonteneau / Domaine national du château d’Angers

Facilities and tips

Plan your arrival

  • Visitors under 15 years old cannot enter without an adult.
  • No deposit facilities nor cloakrooms. Entering with suitcases and big luggage is not allowed.
  • Pets : only sighted companion or service animals are allowed.
  • The castle of Angers is in a pedestrian zone. With kids, it will take you 10 to 15 minutes to walk from the nearest parking lots and bus stops to get to the entrance, and 20 to 25 minutes from the Angers-Saint-Laud train station.
  • Bicycles or scooters are not allowed inside the monument. Bicycle parkway and garages are available in front of the entrance of the castle or at the Destination Angers Tourist Office located 100 meters to the entrance of the monument.

Discover all the "transport" facilities nearby

Good to know

  • A changing diapers spot for babies is available in the toilets located near the Apocalypse Gallery.
  • A sitting area with deckchairs is set up under the lime trees during summer.

Using a stroller or if you have a reduced mobility

  • Strollers are allowed inside the castle. However, some parts of the monument will be easier discovering with a baby carrier, such as the north side of the ramparts which is only accessible by stairs. Our events are planned to be accessible to strollers as much as possible. Please, check their access conditions before booking !
  • The Château d'Angers is a place partially accessible to people with a reduced mobility. Before your visit, check our facilities fot visitors with disabilities on our special page.


The castle of Angers is a place with many outdoor areas that may be exposed to the wind (gardens, ramparts) or unheated (chapel). In the Apocalypse Gallery, the temperature is about 19°C all year long for an art preservation matter.

Where can we eat ?

You can eat in the castle's restaurant or have a picnic outside the castle, in the immediate vicinity.

To know more about food facilities